Thank you for volunteering to coach with Aldergrove Minor Baseball. We really appreciate you stepping up and committing the time to help us provide a fun learning environment for our players.
Part of the registration process is your Criminal Record Check. If you have done your criminal record check in the last 2 years there is no need to do it again. Please answer "Yes" to the question in the registraion form. If you answer "Yes" please email Heather will your current CRC file #.
If you have not done a CRC in the last 2 years please answer "No" to the question. Once you have finished registering, please complete the CRC online application. Go to "Criminal Record Checks" under the Coaches/Managers section of our site to get started.
The link below will take you to the registration page. Please fill out the info requested and submit your form. If you need assistance with the form please contact our registrar.