BCBUA will be hosting the Rules half of the typical Level 1 and 2 Clinics only as it will be impractical to do the field work online, there will seven or eight Clinics scheduled this year. Any member will be able to attend any Clinic they want, however this year all umpires will need to register and pay for the clinic in advance once Registering as a BCBUA Member. AMBA will not be paying registration fees in advance and deducting from the first installment per past practice.
BCBUA will schedule and hold work out dates to conduct the FIELD portion of the Clinic with each Association on a one on one basis. This will be a work-in-progress and information will be distributed accordingly.
For those interested, there will also be an online Super clinic for all Level 3, 4, 5 Members. Dates at this time are TBA
EVERY BCBUA MEMBER WILL HAVE TO REGISTER AND PAY THEIR RESPECTIVE MEMBERSHIPSHIP THIS YEAR (THERE WILL BE NO ASSOCATION PAID REGESTRATION IN 2021) Once a Member has paid their REGISTRATION, they will be able to participate in any one Clinic date or All of them at the Level 1 or Level 2 discipline