Volunteer Coordinator - Sue Pasjack

To email our Volunteer Coordinator click HERE.


Aldergrove Minor Baseball is a volunteer-run Association and, therefore, requires all families to help in order to keep the registration fees down. Baseball is a team sport that promotes skill & leadership development, friendships and life skills all while getting outdoors and getting some exercise. We want to make sure that ALL children have the opportunity to play the wonderful game regardless of their financial situation. Without volunteers, we would need to hire out these jobs at a cost. Thanks to all of you for your continued support.


Hours Required:


Each family is required to complete six (6) hours of volunteer work, 2 of which must be completed in the concession, from the 5U to 18U divisions. At registration each family is required to provide us with a $250.00 volunteer deposit cheque. If this not available to you please connect with your Team Manager to get a Credit Card authorization sheet.

If a family is not able to volunteer at all, they will have the option to choose the volunteer opt-out package at the time of registration and will have paid their $250.00 volunteer opt-out at that time.

Should a family decide partway through the season that they will not be able to volunteer, then an email must be sent to the AMBA Registrar and request that their Volunteer Deposit cheque be cashed or credit card be charged. Otherwise, if volunteer hours are not complete; cheques will be cashed on or before July 1st.

Parents need to keep track of their hours on the Parent Volunteer Summary Form. The master copy of this form is given to each manager. Please inform your team manager when you have completed your hours. They will record it on the master copy that must be submitted at the end of the season.

Volunteer support from parents, guardians and family members is vital to Aldergrove Minor Baseball’s success. Without volunteers, the Association would not exist.

Volunteers like you are what makes Aldergrove Minor Baseball an Annual Success !!!

Jobs that Qualify for Volunteer Hours:

  1. Executive Positions - Comprised of the following:

(a) * Board (Voting Members) - President, 2 Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary and Directors
(b) ** Coordinators (Non-Voting Members) - Including but not limited to (as voted on by the Board) - Divisions (8), Batting Cages, Field Allocation, Special Events, Volunteer, Umpire, Sponsorship, Equipment, Tournament and Website.

* Executive Board Members are voted in by its members at the AGM held in October.

** Coordinators are volunteers who fill specific roles throughout the season that are imperative to help keep our association running smoothly and are appointed. If you wish to become a coordinator, please reach out to Aldergrove Minor Baseball’s President.

  1. Coaches & Managers:

Each team can have as many coaches that they want, but only 1 Head Coach and 2 Assistant Coaches will receive their hours. 1 Manager will also be eligible for their hours.

  1. Association Jobs

Hours will be counted only for jobs that are deemed to be a benefit to the Association. These include but are not
limited to (Board approval required prior to event):
Pre-season field setup, in-season league run field maintenance, post season field take down, Association-run
tournament duties (pitch counting, score keeping, field maintenance) and special events (pancake breakfast, in-person
registration, fun day, Christmas parade, volunteer appreciation night).

NOTE: All Team-associated roles DO NOT constitute volunteer hours and are the responsibility of ALL parents. These
include and are not limited to: Scorekeeping, pitch counting, field set up (line & rake fields), and field take down (rake and tarp field)

Volunteer hours must be completed by someone over the age of 18.  No children can be present in the concession due to Fraser Health’s safety regulations.

Volunteer Opportunities will be emailed out when they become available.  You will be able to sign up for a time slot that works best for your family. Each opportunity is first come first serve.

If you have any questions or concerns about the Volunteer program, please
email our Volunteer Coordinator.