Special Event Anouncements



Location:              Eugene Reimer Middle School

3433 Firhill Drive

Abbotsford, BC V2T 6X6


Date: January  26th & 27th

Cost: $125 (does not include BCBCUA Membership fee of $50)

Lunch and snacks will be provided for both days

*** REGISTRATION DEADLINE will be  FRIDAY, JANUARY 11th – Applicants must be 16-years of age and have 3-years experience ***

Our instructors will be leading students through cage work, gym and field drills designed for 2-person mechanics, a rules sessions, game management, and mentorship principles as the main focus for the clinic.

Additional information will be distributed once you have registered for the event.

To register, email BCBUA Secretary, Les Maerov at SuperClinic@bcbua.ca